Syndication & Job Feeds
Our syndication options give you tools to promote and broadcast your customer job postings throughout the web. You'll find Syndication under the Job Settings option in the side bar.
RSS Feeds
RSS feeds have a variety of uses. Add an RSS reader to your main site to show udpates from your job board. Use a service like to automate social media postings. Use Mailchimp for turn your RSS feeds into e-mail campaigns. Whatever your use case, we have RSS feeds ready for you. You'll see two feeds available, one Jobs Feed and one Blog Feed.
Sitemap Feed
If you'd like your site to be effectively crawled by Google for inclusion in their Jobs product, you'll need to Submit a Sitemap. Our Sitemap is generated automatically for your convenience.
You'll also have the option to set custom rules for which jobs get the markup for inclusion in Google for Jobs.
- Click the Customize Rules button.
- You’ll see a dropdown to choose a default setting. You can opt to have All jobs receive the markup by default, or for None of the jobs to receive the markup.
- Add exceptions to the default.
- If your default is All, exceptions will remove markup from jobs.
- If your default is None, exceptions will add markup to those jobs.
- Current options for exceptions are Employers and XML feeds.
XML Feeds
Use XML feeds to submit your jobs to 3rd party aggregators such as ZipRecruiter, Jobs2Careers, JuJu, and more! These sites may require payment in order to drive traffic to your jobs.
There are two feeds available, a feed of All Jobs and a feed of Featured Jobs. Use the Featured Jobs feed to drive additional traffic to those jobs and add value to your Featured Upsell.
If you'd like to partner with Trovit, we have a feed ready to go! Learn more about Trovit here.
Updated almost 5 years ago