Lesson 5: Final Touches
If you've made it this far, your site looks the way you want and you're ready to start accepting payments. There are a few final touches you may want to put in place before you're ready to announce your new site and start attracting customers.
Job Types
Job Types are typically used to indicate a role's offered employment status. We have four Job Types available by default: Full Time, Part Time, Freelance, and Temporary. You can remove or add to this list as is needed for your site. Job Type is a required field for Job Posts, so you must always have at least one Job Type available. Job Types will be managed under Job Settings -> Job Types.
Categories can be used to group similar jobs together and may be useful to your job seekers when searching for jobs. Categories are completely optional. To add your first category:
- Click Job Settings in the Left Hand Navigation Menu, and choose Categories.
- Click Create New Category.
- Type the Category Name. The Name is the only required information, but there are some optional fields to fill out if desired:
- O*Net Code - The ONet Program is a taxonomy tool sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor. Begin typing the name of your Category to get a list of potentially relevant codes. Choose from the Dropdown. If you'd like more information about ONet, check out their website here.
- SEO (Meta) Title/Description - Summarize the Category for indexing in search engines.
- Description - Describe the Category for visitors. Each category will have a dedicated landing page that includes this description and any jobs entered under that category.
- Press Save when you've entered all desired information.
Other Settings
There are a variety of settings available in JobBoard.io, allowing you to do things like require approval for new content or make resumes optional on your job applications. There's a bit too much to cover every setting, but I'll point out the various areas you can find these settings for your review. You'll notice question mark (?) icons next to many fields in JobBoard.io. Hover these icons to get more information about each field.
Employer Settings
- Navigate to Employers in the admin panel.
- Open the More dropdown.
- Choose Employer Setup.
- Make desired adjustments, and click Save.
Profile Settings
- Navigate to Profiles in the admin panel.
- Open the More dropdown.
- Choose Profiles Setup.
- Make desired adjustments, and click Save.
Job Settings
- Click Job Settings in the admin panel, and choose Rules.
- Make desired adjustments, and click Save.
Job Alert Settings
- Navigate to Job Alerts in the admin panel.
- Open the More dropdown.
- Choose Job Alerts Setup.
- Make desired adjustments, and click Save.
Custom Domain
Your domain name is one of the most important aspects of your brand. Thankfully, JobBoard.io allows you to run the site using your own domain name. You'll just need to get a few settings in place with your domain provider:
Use a www URL
- Create a CNAME record for "www" pointing to "proxy.jobboard.io".
- Create a 301 redirect so that requests for "mysite.com" are forwarded to "www.mysite.com".
Use a subdomain
- Create a CNAME record for "jobs" (or other subdomain of your choice) pointing to "proxy.jobboard.io".
If you're not familiar with managing these settings, please contact your Domain provider for assistance. Once your settings are in place, add your custom domain name in JobBoard.io. You'll find the Custom Domain field in the Main tab under Site Config.
With all of these settings in place, we should be ready to start advertising. Check out our last lesson for some tips on attracting visitors!
Updated almost 5 years ago