Managing Job Seeker Profiles

As a Job Board owner, it's important that you're able to handle any requests that come in from your Job Seekers to help manage their account. This guide will cover some of the more common tasks you may need to perform to address any concerns raised by your Job Seekers. Job Seekers will be able to perform most of these tasks on their own, but some users will need some additional help.

Searching and Accessing a Job Seeker Profile

If you want to make edits to a Job Seeker Profile, you'll need to find it first.

  1. Navigate to the Profiles section of your admin panel.
  2. In the Search profiles box, enter a term to help you locate the employer. Company Name or E-mail Address should do the trick. For an E-mail search, we recommend only using the first half of the e-mail address, excluding
  3. If you have a matching job seeker, the desired profile should now appear first in the list. If there are job seekers with similar profiles, you may need to look through the list to find the profile in question.
  4. Click the Profile Picture or Name to open the account.

Approving Job Seeker Profiles

If you require approval for your Job Seeker Profiles, it will be very important that you know how to approve profiles. There are a couple of ways that Profiles can be approved.

Mass Approve Profiles

  1. Navigate to the Profiles section of your Admin panel.
  2. Identify the Profiles you'd like to approve, and check the box next to each one. You can select the full page by clicking the box at the top of the list.
  3. Click the Bulk Actions drop down in the top left corner.
  4. Choose Approve X Profiles.

Approve Single Profile

  1. Navigate to the Profiles section of your Admin panel.
  2. Identify the Profile you'd like to approve, and click their name or profile picture to open the Job Seeker Profile.
  3. Review the Profile as needed to determine if it's appropriate for your site.
  4. When ready, Click Approve.

The Mass Approval option can also be used on a single profile if you prefer.

Reset Password

Forgotten Passwords and other login issues will probably be one of the most common inquiries you see come in from your user base. Resetting a job seeker's password should only take a few minutes.

  1. Follow the steps above to access the Job Seeker Profile.
  2. Click the Send welcome email button.
  3. A temporary password will be e-mailed to the Job Seeker and also shown to you on screen. If you'd like, you can also send this password to the Job Seeker directly to be sure they've received it.
  4. That's it! We recommend instructing your users to set a new password after their first login for security purposes.

Editing a Job Seeker Profile

Job Seekers have access to make changes to their profile, but you might have some users that need assistance. There may also be situation that you need to remove material from a profile that goes against your site's policies.

  1. Follow the steps above to access the Job Seeker Profile.
  2. Make any desired changes.
  3. Click Save.

Hiding a Job Seeker Profile

Some Job Seekers may not want their profile to appear in your Profile Database if it's linked on your site. Job Seeker Profiles are hidden by default, and job seekers have access to hide or unhide their profile any time.

  1. Follow the steps above to access the Job Seeker Profile.
  2. Click the Hide Profile Button.
  3. That's it! The button will change to an Unhide Profile button if you'd like to revert this action.

Deleting a Job Seeker Profile

If a Job Seeker ends their search for employment, they may wish to delete their account from your site. They do have the option to delete their profile on their own, but may ask you to delete it for them. Important! Profile deletion is permanent. Any applications attached to the profile will be listed as "Anonymous" once this action is taken.

Mass Delete Profiles

  1. Navigate to the Profiles section of your Admin panel.
  2. Identify the Profiles you'd like to delete, and check the box next to each one. You can select the full page by clicking the box at the top of the list.
  3. Click the Bulk Actions drop down in the top left corner.
  4. Choose Delete X Profiles.

Delete a Single Profile

  1. Follow the steps above to access the Job Seeker Profile.
  2. Click the More Actions drop down.
  3. Choose the option to Delete Profile.
  4. Take one last look to be sure this is the Profile you wish to delete. Deletion is irreversible, so you should always take extra care when performing this action.
  5. Click Confirm when you're sure you want to remove this Profile.
  6. The Job Seeker Profile will be queued for deletion. It may be a few minutes before the deletion fully processes.

The mass deletion option can also be used on a single profile if you prefer.