Export Data

Exporting your data from JobBoard.io is simple. You'll receive a CSV file via email, which can be converted to other formats easily if needed.

Export Employers

  1. Navigate to Employers in your admin panel.
  2. Open the More dropdown.
  3. Choose Export Employers.

Export Candidate Profiles

  1. Navigate to Profiles in your admin panel.
  2. Open the More dropdown.
  3. Choose Export All Profiles.
  • For a list of Profiles that have not added a Headline, Bio, and Location, choose Export Incomplete Profiles.

Export Applicants

Please note that JobBoard.io will only export applicant data for jobs that used Apply by Email.

For All Applicants

  1. Navigate to Applicants in your admin panel.
  2. Open the More dropdown.
  3. Choose Export All Applicants.

For a Single Employer's Applicants

  1. Navigate to Employers in your admin panel.
  2. Select the Employer in question.
  3. Open the More Actions dropdown.
  4. Choose Export All Applicants.

For a Single Job's Applicants

  1. Navigate to Home in your admin panel.
  2. Select the Job in question.
  3. Open the More Actions dropdown.
  4. Choose Export Applicants.

Job Alerts

  1. Navigate to Job Alerts in your admin panel.
  2. Open the More dropdown.
  3. Choose Export Job Alert Subscribers.

Export Jobs

  1. Navigate to Home in your admin panel.
  2. Open the More dropdown.
  3. Choose Export All Jobs.