Custom Job Types

With 43% of the workforce expected to be part of the gig economy by 2020 - working for services such as Uber and Lyft - four standard job types just don’t work.

With, you can create your own job types to suit your board's needs. Get creative!

  • A contracting job board could use this for different types of contracts,
  • A gig job board could use it for different time commitments.
  • International job boards can localize employment terms.

Create a New Job Type

  1. Click Job Settings in the Left hand Navigation Menu, and choose Job Types.
  2. Click Create New Job Type.
  3. Complete the Form for your desired Job Type.
  • Name - Enter the name of your new Job Type.
  • Active - Checking this box makes the Job Type an available option when creating a new job.
  • Default - Newly created jobs will default to this Job Type. Enabling this checkbox will automatically remove the Default marker on your current default type.
  1. Click Save.
  2. Newly created Job Types will appear at the bottom of the list by default. To re-order the list, hover the Arrow icon next to the type you'd like to move. Click and drag to re-order.

Editing Job Types

Editing your existing Types is just as easy as creating new ones!

  1. Click Job Settings in the Left hand Navigation Menu, and choose Job Types.
  2. Locate the Job Type you'd like to change, and Click Edit.
  3. Make any necessary adjustments to the Job Type.
  • Name - Enter the name of your new Job Type.
  • Active - Checking this box makes the Job Type an available option when creating a new job.
  • Default - Newly created jobs will default to this Job Type. Enabling this checkbox will automatically remove the Default marker on your current default type.
  1. Click Save.