Embed Jobs Feed into an Existing Website via RSS
If you've got an existing website, blog or other platform alongside your JobBoard.io website, a great way to drive traffic to your job board is to embed your jobs via RSS.
You can use the RSS Feed Widget generator available on FeedWind for free.
- On your JobBoard.io admin panel. Click Job Settings in the sidebar, and choose Syndication.
- Copy the RSS Jobs Feed. For example: https://www.yourdomain.com/jobs.rss
- Visit the FeedWind website.
- Paste your Atom feed URL into the Feed URL field and click Add Feed.
- Customize the options available on the page to fit your existing website. You can modify color, width, widget title and more.
- A preview will appear on the right hand side of the FeedWind website, listing your recent job postings.
- Below the preview, you'll see some code.
- Select this code and copy and paste it into your existing website
Updated about 5 years ago