Setting up an backfill

  1. Click Backfill Jobs
  2. Click 'Create New Backfill'
  3. Click 'Edit' next to the default backfill, or click 'Create New Backfill'
  4. Customise the form to match your search criteria and location.

You can use advanced search queries, such as 'title:'. This will fill your website with relevant jobs. This is a great tactic when you are just getting your job board off the ground and do not have any listings.

Customers of can provide their own Publisher ID and earn revenue from clicks on the job listing links.

How to find your publisher ID

  1. Register for an account
  2. Once you're logged in, click on 'XML Feed'
  3. Go down to the Sample Request section
  4. Find where is says Your publisher ID is "802123456749"
  5. That is your unique publisher ID. Copy the number, paste it into the publisher ID field in your Backfill configuration page.