Import Jobs from CSV


XML Imports

You'll find information regarding XML imports under Auto Import Jobs.

If you have jobs in a previous system, it will be important to bring those over to You may be switching systems, but your employers will still expect results on their jobs. Our csv imports will make it easy to transfer your jobs over.

Building your CSV file

The CSV should be setup with the following columns:

Column NameDescriptionRequired?
titleThe title of the jobYes
companyThe name of the companyYes
company_urlThe company websiteNo
locationThe location of the jobYes
remoteIs the job remote? Options are "full", "temporary" and "onsite". Full - Job is 100% Remote. Location is not required if Remote is set to "Full". Temporary - Job is temporarily remote. Onsite - Work must be conducted at the location specified in the "location" field.No
descriptionThe job posting textYes
job_typeThe job type. Must match existing job type strings.No
apply_urlA link to send applicants to.No if apply_email provided
apply_emailAn email address to send applications toNo if apply_url provided
featuredShould this be a featured job. Values can be true, false or blankNo
purchaser_emailContact email for the person who posted the job.No, but if the column is included in the file you must populate a value for each job
created_atThe posting date of the job. Must be in format mm/dd/yyNo
employer_idThe id of the employer this job should be linked to. This can be found by exporting the employers list.No
categoryAdd categories, either individually, or as a comma separated sequence.
Accepts a comma separated string, and must match the categories you have setup.
logoPath to a logo - must be an online source (e.g:
publishedtrue or false, Default is falseNo
salary_minRequires an integer. For jobs that have a set pay rate rather than a range, use the salary_min field onlyNo
salary_maxRequires an integerNo
salary_currencyChoose one of the following: USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, AUD, NZD, DKK, SEK, SGD, ZAR, HKDNo
salary_timeframeChoose one of the following: Annually, Monthly, Hourly, WeeklyNo
salary_displaySet whether or not the salary is visible in the public display of the job. TRUE or FALSENo
salary_descriptionPopulate the Additional Compensation Information fieldNo
how_to_applyPopulate the "Additional Application Instructions" fieldNo

Click here to see an example CSV file

Importing to


Once your file is ready, you'll be able to import in just a few clicks.

  1. Navigate to the Home section of your admin panel.
  2. Open the More dropdown, and select Import Jobs.
  3. Under Import Jobs, click the Choose File button. Locate and select your file from your computer's directory.
  4. Click Import Jobs.

That's it! You'll receive an e-mail confirmation when your import is completed.

Troubleshooting Imports

Field can't Be Blank

This error indicates that the importer was not able to detect a required field for one or more rows. The error in the e-mail will specify the field name. You'll want to check a few things to resolve this error.

  1. Be sure the listed column was included in your file. If you find it was missed, go ahead and add the information.
  2. Check the column header. Be sure you've matched our formatting and spelling as listed above. Avoid extra spaces, punctuation, etc.
  3. Be sure that the listed rows have this value populated. Add anything that's missing.

If everything in the file looks correct, there may be an issue with the way that the file was encoded. Please follow the UTF-8 steps below to resolve.

Invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

There are a variety of encoding processes that various applications will use when saving your CSV file. Unfortunately, not all of these will be compatible with our importer. The most consistent method we've found for generating a compatible CSV file is using Google Sheets. You will need a Gmail account to use sheets. If you don't already have one, be sure to Sign Up.

  1. Create a new Sheet.
  2. Copy the information from your existing CSV, and paste it into your Google Sheet. Alternatively, you can import the file via File -> Import.
  3. Check the file for accuracy to be sure the data transferred successfully.
  4. At the top of the page you'll see the text Untitled spreadsheet. Click this text, and set a name for the file. Be sure to set a name that will be easy to differentiate from your original file.
  5. Open the File menu.
  6. Choose Download -> Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet).

That's all it takes! You can now go back and import the newly generated file into

Job Title is too short

The minimum length for job titles is five characters. If you receive this error, one of your job titles is below that limit. You'll need to lengthen the job title on any listed rows to successfully import those jobs.

You must provide an apply method

An apply method must be included to successfully import a job. For any rows listed, you'll need to add an apply_email OR an apply_url.