Use the API to create a single job
API requests are made via HTTPS using your account’s unique API key. Each request must be authenticated by including this API key in the request header as X-Api-Key. You can find your API token in Site Config.
The request header must contain your X-Api-Key, available in Site Config. Each request header must also contain "Content-Type: application/json".
The request body must contain:
Request Key | Request Value Example | Required? |
title | Developer | Yes |
company | Apple | Yes |
location | London | Yes |
apply_url | | Must have an apply method (apply_url or apply_email) |
apply_email | | Must have an apply method (apply_url or apply_email) |
description | We are building a new platform for linking virtual content to locations. We use QR codes, low energy bluetooth, and other hardware. Join our team today! | Yes |
contact_email | | Yes. Please note if missing the error response will be "purchaser_email" can't be blank. |
published | true or false | Yes |
featured | true or false | Yes |
job_type | Accepts String Values of Job Type - For example: "Full Time", "Part Time" | No |
Successful POST Response Example
"message": "Job created successfully.",
Unsuccessful POST Response Example
When purchase email, nor apply method was correctly specified.
"message": {
"purchaser_email": [
"can't be blank"
"base": [
"You must provide an apply method."